Thursday, July 27, 2006

I have told my son that I do not have time to do this during the day. It is, however, interesting that indeed, I have more comments to my blog than I have content.
So, a quick note: I have discussed this forum with my son. I am not sure how I will use it. I have a Journal that I write in when I have anything of signifigance to say to myself, this is much to public to move that outlet to. I think that is why I chose Words of Wisdom. Perhaps I can share some of what I know in a less "preachy" way than if I were in person.
1st comment: I cannot do this without punctuation and capitalization. Sorry kids, I just can't do it.
Maybe more later.
Over and out. (sky king)


At 10:28 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

I can't do it without punctuation and capital letters and such either. I don't blame you and I wouldn't enjoy your wisdom if it were lacking in that area. :-) ha!

Sky king?


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