Sunday, July 22, 2007

the beat goes on!

Now I am officially part of the family! I have attended a BLAST! To Peachy Keen: well done.
I am convinced that without our family, it is entirely possible that there would be no music in Chilton County. I don't know whether Scott reads this stuff, but he was an excellent Elton John. While I hesitate to say anything about anyone else, Ray Scruggs grandaughter is going to give Peachy Keen a run for her money down the road. Their duet was way impressive.

Keelin went with us to the Blast last night. She entertained everyone in the two rows around us dancing and jumping like the big girls on stage. When we got to the car afterward she told us that her feet hurt because she danced too hard.

Potter's Fire and family appear to have found a new home in Glendale of all places. Its a house that is in the field next to the Cox's house down the street about halfway between our old house and Bobby's. No final decision yet, but intent has been established.

Enough for tonight. I have not felt very deep lately. Perhaps another day.



At 3:38 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

That "Blast" thing is AMAZING!! I know that Ree and Sheri don't sing, don't dance, don't do it all but I also know it wouldn't be if not for them.
They are a very special pair!

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

One min yer whinin bout no other bloggers a blogin. 30DAYS later and yer stil not bloggin.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Thanks for the compliments! Glad you three enjoyed it. It was nice having you there! :-D


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