Here we go!
I want to get this out tonight before we know what the final results of the election are.
Just as we are a multi-talented bunch, we are also a multi-dimensional bunch as relates to politics and related subjects. (definition: politics – poly: more than one, tics: blood sucking bugs). Without getting into your guy beat my guy or vicy vercy, lets just admit that Washington has put us in such a buggered-up situation that it will likely be more than any mere mortal can straighten out in four or even eight years.
Our obsession with who is going to be President without spending the requisite time watching out for who is running the Legislature and the Senate is very likely our biggest weak link. I think we have all seen enough e-mails warning us that it is the Congress that controls making of law and spending of money. Presidents can rant and rave about what they will do, but they must have the cooperation of Congress to put it on paper. If Brother Obama is the choice of the people, he may have an easier time of getting his way with a Democratic Congress than Brother McCain, but we must remember that we are the ones who are supposed to control the Congress. I don’t care who is in the majority, with the advent of e-mail it is just too easy to send your preferences to the members of Congress, regardless of who they are or what party they profess to represent. The truth is they represent us and when we force them to listen to us and know we are not following behind them blindly like sheep, attitudes can be changed.
Until they know we are mad as Hell and are not going to take it any more, we are going to have to continue to take it. No one has bailed me out this month. My parachute had a hole in it. They didn’t even invite me to a Presidential dinner because I wouldn’t send in $2500.00 to do my share. Instead the sent each and everyone of us a bill that if spread equally among us would have put $200,000 into the pocket of each and every adult in the United States. Oh yeah, the media forgot to break it out that way for us. We each could have paid off our own mortgages and had money left over to pay the taxes.
Don’t let me get started on taxes or the organization that collects them. Remember, it is the Congress that allows the IRS to exist. It is the Congress that oks the rules and regulations that the IRS comes up with. Why do I sit here and collect my unemployment? Because if I generate any money, the IRS is going to take it away from me because the IRS is exempt from bankruptcy judgments. They get to keep an eye on everything I do until I go to be with Jesus. Could I start something that would support 15 families and generate income for the community and taxes for Uncle? Sure, but what’s in it for me? Harassment and seizure. I have to encourage people to work for themselves and be responsible for their own taxes without any chance of being able to offer them any kind of insurance or retirement simply because the government won’t let me have anything ever again.
Forget not the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to create wealth. I wear that on the inside of my Harvest ring. That statement covers the President, the Congress and the IRS. My God gives me the ability to create wealth. I will and I will share it as He leads me. They can’t stop it, it’s bigger than they are. Keep an eye out, here we go. Oh yeah, congratulations to whomever.
Harvest time in 2009, a year of prosperity! Uncle Westy, over and out.
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