Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's me again!

Two days til Valentine's Day. I must find something creative for my sweetee. No Clue.
Time to return to the blog. I told Mandy yesterday that I had not had much in the way of words of wisdom lately. Hence no blog.

No wiser today but I feel I should make some kind of show just to keep the chain going. It is good to see Mandapooh joining us again. I get great satisfaction listening to my children expound on things they see as important.

Birthday coming up in a couple of weeks! I had no idea I was this old! How about you guys? I still see myself as one of the kids. Just ask my mother.

I'll try to be more creative another time
over and out


At 3:20 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Well, if you ask me (and you sort of did), I think you actually get YOUNGER as you age. Not everyone does that, but you were much older (and dare I say SCARIER) when I was younger. Now you're mellowed and cool and superfly! :-D So I say congrats to you on fighting the typical. "Do not go gentle into that good night."

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

No you are older n dirt! But hey 60's the new 30's!! Or so those of us approaching it say :~)
And Leslie there was a time when you were 1 30th my age now yer half or there bouts. Yer catchin up to danged fast.

At 6:18 AM, Blogger Zipidee said...

OK I waited through the event but will no longer refrain. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
There's this sneaky old guy in my house. I catch site of him in the mirrors in the house. I'm removing the mirrors.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Zipidee said...

OK you've passed the 30 day blog rule and the deer will now take over. I know that won't increase the blogging but it will at least have a better reason than you for not 'Passin on that Wisdom' that comes with advanced age.


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