Sunday, October 21, 2007


It is time to rant about comments. Everytime I have a witty, snappy comment to make on one of your bloggs, I have a wrong password or I haven't verified my e-mail address to my google account. Well, if I go to verify my google account, the comment disappears and I have to start over! I did it three times tonight and never could get it to go thru. Now I could care less what Ric calles himself or whether he deserves it or not! So how come I can log on to this blogg without any problem? I think I'm thru now. I should go to the other room and drink some warm milk and go to bed. I will feel better about the world tomorrow.
Congradulations Leslie and Drew. Congradulations Ric
Great Unclewesty.


At 4:28 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

Now Now we know we shouldn't let technology get to us. User names yer email -- password --- well how cute or sneaky were you the day you created your blog?
My passwords been the same for everything I need one for. With the exception of the sites that require alpha/numeric. For those I threw in one number.
You guess my password and you can get all of my money (right!) and jerk my blog around and change my web page and .....

At 9:32 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

And YES, you are a GREAT uncle as well. :-) BEST HUGS FOR SURE!!!

And, Zipidee, I, too, have over used passwords. I have TWO - and I switch back and forth between the two. SO unsafe in the world of hackers, but I don't have any important accounts online - Drew does all of that stuff - so the most anyone can do is post a blog of a questionable nature... Ah well - what else are we feeble minded to do?


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