Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME! Another day older and …
Yesterday one of the girls who does the scheduling for my closings told me to enjoy the last day of my fifties. That sounded awfully ominous. Well, here I am today and I live, and breathe and have my being. The future’s so bright I gotta wear shades! Arise and shout!
Zippy, as much as I have pondered that old building while sitting there with my coffee, I had not remembered the confetti machine! (perforator) I don’t remember it being particularly clean up there but I’ll bet it was less so when we left town.
How about:
Strips? Corn tortillas deep fried at the concession stand at the pier at Huntington Beach. This was before Fritos.
Honda 50’s? First seen when we were in the Motel at Oxnard. The motorcycle shop around the corner had the first one’s we had ever seen. This event soon followed by the wave of “ride little Honda” songs of the time.
Seeing the WKLF tower as we came into town from the west. We knew our travel was about over and mere minutes from MamMo and Granddads.
Grandad telling what awful things went on beyond the kudzu at the CC camp.
The cigarette carouselle on the table beside Grandad’s recliner.
Watching Lash Larue on tv with Grandad followed by Gunsmoke and Paladin.
The community picnics in the park at the mill village with MawMaw and PawPaw. Complete with bottled Cokes on ice and ice cold watermelon all over the place.
Playing on the playground and sitting on the bleachers in front of the screen at the Drive In. Looking at it today it is not nearly as large as I remember it. I work the projection booth out there in ’76 and it was all there, but abandoned. No one brought the kids to watch movies any more, It was just a dark place to park.
Not much wisdom to impart today. ‘Just wanted to say Hi and get you thinking.
Westy, over and out.


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

We called it 'Aunt Carolins station' cause she worked there for a while. She & Jimmy took us to see "Bambi" at that driv in. They picked us up at Maw Maw's. Going with Paw Paw to the Ice House by the railroad to get a 5 pound block of ice to make ice cream with. Wonderin what kind of car Paw Paw would have on our next visit.
Happy Birthday brother!! even though we agreed not to ;~)

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Leslie said...

Happy Birthday! I, too, always choose to embrace the JOY of being around another day. :-)

At 9:50 AM, Blogger Zipidee said...

While in Bamahood Blogging wasn't an option & reading the blogs of others was also out of the question so when I got home (one week ago today) I thought I'd have all these blogs to catch up on. Right ;~)

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

Yes, Zip! You see why I was so upset with your lack of blogs for so long. EVERYONE quit but me. :( (Now, I know I don't write novels or anything, but at least I was putting some new stuff out there.) My daily blog check has been depressing for months now.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Zipidee said...

As said to the Leslie to whom you refer -- I'm the 'King of Lettin it Go'The Blog was it's final thrash.
Now bout this bloggin on yer Birthday and then............................


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