Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ok, lets try another

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First, a comment. Brian (or someone associated with Brian, wake him up) we are writing memories as you requested yet you do not comment or write on your own blog. Not fair.
I’m sure some rock historian can date this for me but I will only offer the happening. We were stationed at Pt. Mugu and we were all active in church on base. I don’t remember how many of us there were but I remember one Sunday evening the teens came to our house to watch the Ed Sullivan Show. Dad went to the commissary and bought one of those big things of ice cream like they have at the Ice Cream Parlor. (what is that? 5 gallons?) Any way he got the ice cream and a bunch of Cokes, Orange, Root Beer and whatever and we had strange floats as we watched The Beatles the first time on television. Now, that doesn’t sound like such a big deal, but for a guy who was not particularly popular it was a big deal to have everyone over. (especially the girls) He didn’t have to do that, but he did.
Unclewesty, over and out


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Leslie said...

Mmmm, now THAT sounds amazing!!! WAY better than a "titty pink ranch wagon"! hahaha!

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Zipidee said...

That year was the year of our first color TV. Ed Sullivan, and therefore the Beatles, was in black & white. Dad got the color TV so he could watch Bonanza. I remember the opening of the show was a partial map of Nevada that would burst into flame expanding out as the Cartwright's galoped across the open country right into your living room. Some times the grass was green some times a little purple. Color TV and Color Brocasting were new techs at the time & you took what you could get.


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